Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter - Oct 2003 PRESIDENT - Farley Phillips - VICE PRESIDENT - Vic Jines - SECERETARY - Gene Lewis TREASURER - BC Kistler EDITOR - Jimmy Lyon - Tel. (225) 753-4637 ( ( NOTICE - The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday Oct 7th at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM The family day at the field is coming up. It is going to be Saturday October the 11th. That will be the Saturday following the meeting. Come out and have a good time. There is a collection barrel for aluminum cans at the field. The club is making a fair amount of money from the sale of the cans. If you can save your old drink cans and bring them out when you come, there is a can crusher on the barrel. Help out the club and save some space in the landfill at the same time. At the last meeting James Bently gave a great presentation on park flyers. He got me wanting to fix mine up and get back into the small planes. I did some hunting on the Internet for the coreless motors. I found a good site at Check out the videos of the slow flyer doing hovers in a warehouse. They also have a speed plane and several fun fly types. Performance with the coreless motors is quite impressive. The club voted to have some fuel on hand for those who want it. I forgot the details but I think that Charles Dedon is keeping the fuel. The price is around $15.00 a gallon for 5% nitro, higher for the others. We have to order fuel in 4-gallon cases but he is breaking up cases for those that do not need a full case. This is the remaining list of presentations for the end of the meetings. Gasoline Engines Charles Dedon / Willard Beard Gluing Techniques A. B. White If you have anything that you would like to see or present step up and let us know. It does not have to take up a full half-hour.